Friday, June 24, 2011

Trust & Love

I can never trust someone wholeheartedly, no matter how much i try. I feel like I've never really met someone who i could fully trust, with no suspicion or whatsoever. I never dared to expose my vulnerabilities to people, believing they will not take advantage of my openness. it's like i built a wall around myself, to prevent people from entering it. cause i believed that when they do, or when they try to, i'll just end up getting hurt. I never wanted to experience that.

It's like you can love someone, but not trust them. You can trust them, but not love them. When you trust that certain person, you believe that they have your best interest at heart. You choose to believe they wouldn't do something to hurt you for the fun of it, or for selfish gain. It's like you rely on them.

Why am i always uncertain, and always in doubt?

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