Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bitter heart of mine

Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside,
Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide,
Bitter heart, my bitter heart is gettin' just a little fragile,
Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

One more time?


I miss. every single day.

Kitty sent me a sweet text today, which was probably sent to all the sec 5nas. She said she misses us and that it's RHD today, and it's a pity we're not celebrating it together like we did for 5 years. my batch has always been the most enthusiastic when it came to dressing up and of course, for Racial Harmony. I really miss my girls ): Why can't stc have a poly where we all can go to and continue studying together. Lol.

Turn the key



Hahahaha. Kok Pin was so tired.

Some pictures of me and my groupmates filming for the moose (the noose). even though we had the lousiest video, i hope mr lim saw our effort and give us at least a B.

so this has been the most backbreaking week. with presentations everyday. management on tuesday (the lecturer wasn't even listening to us and he kept asking us to summarize cos the previous group took such a long time) then i presented alone for thkss on weds, then comm skills news broadcasting today. last presentation tomorrow finally, for social enterprise. hopefully dinner with my girls after that.

one more week till week 16. tests coming up. and EXAMS. oh dear.

ta-ta. time to study.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Went a little like.....this

Pictures taken last sat, during faith's birthday. Thai food at her place then zouk. Grabbed from alissa!





Faith is finally legally 18!











I love chongster!









Spent the rest of the night puking my guts out, i was too weak for nana. So i went home with ben and lied down in the playground hobo-style. But it was fun i guess. I hope faith had fun, that mad girl was going around telling us justin bieber was inside zouk. Definitely mad.

No more partying until the end of my exams. TDCC in less than a month. Okay, althea, please achieve all the goals you set. Do not be distracted. Push all your grades up to at least a C. You can do this! Don't retake any modules!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Your nicknames & why you have them.

Althy - My clb teacher mdm sin couldn't pronounce my name. So she said it like "" Then rae made me tell her that yes, my name is pronounced as althy. and everytime she calls me that we all burst out laughing. I don't know how but it got spreaded all across my sec school batch and althy was what they all call me ever since.

Kai - My brother came up with it from what i know. Its kakai. Hahahaha. Sounds so retarded but thats what most relatives & some friends call me.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Short goals you wish to fulfill by the end of the month.

  1. Study hard and do well for exams
  2. Learn to save money
  3. Be nicer
  4. Manage my time properly

I can't think of any other goals cause usually the goals i set are long-termed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 19: A habit you wish you didn’t have.

Procrastinating. I would've done so much more with the time i spend porking around. ):

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A photo that makes you want to cry.

Couldn't find a photo with 3 of us in it so..

walking down the narrow roads of kalantiaw street with gramps!


Definitely the best people on earth for me. Thank you for bringing me up. And i hope you guys were happy. I'm sorry for the disappointments i gave you. I'm going to become a better person for you guys. I hope your love stayed strong even in heaven. And I hope i'll see you guys again. I love you both ♥

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 16: A photo that makes you smile.

Hahhehaheaha. fats

Yesterday was FRIDAY! School was horrible. The only good thing that happened in school was michson passing me a thumbdrive full of hillsong (!!!) and testing my styrofoam planes. After school, i changed into my longgggg skirt (which was a bad idea) and headed to town. I was way too early, so i was walking around aimlessly for 2 hours waiting for fats cause of the bloody traffic jam. So ok, i couldn't contact faith the whole afternoon so i didnt get to find my skirt ): That girl was busy with her date HAHA.

After fats came we headed to orchard plaza with rae and dan to eat....THAI FOOD! Im craving for the chicken again right now. after thai food, our plan was to study at liat starbucks, which obviously failed. Went home with faith shortly after na carmen and pui came.

Faith's party later! THAI FOOD AGAIN! O yeah gonna meet my STC darlings. Life is good whenever they're around (: After that helipad/zouk/neverland. Oh my i need to stop going out and really start studying. I got an F for almost everything ):


Friday, July 8, 2011


I don't mean to run
But every time you come around
I Feel more alive, than ever
And I guess it's too much

Maybe we're too young
And I don't even know what's real
But I know I never

Wanted anything so bad
I've never wanted anyone so bad

If I let you love me
Be the one adored
Would you go all the way?
Be the one I'm looking for

Something you love about yourself.

My photoshop skills. LOL

today was fine. i woke up too late for my project meeting. fml. i woke up at the time i was supposed to leave house, and i was also late for my first lecture. fml. so after school, got pulled by rach to yishun with her and yankai. it was pretty cool, looking at all the old places i used to go to when i lived there years back. northpoint definitely changed but there's still abit of it left unchanged. went to kiddy palace (LOL) and then forced yankai to eat LJS. huahauahua. He agreed and made us promise not to tell daniel. lepak-ed like lepakers there till about 9ish, trying to complete the idiot test. i gave up in the end though.

School again tmr ): sigh ): O WELL ITS FRIDAY! Thai food and starbucks and skirt here i come~

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Your least favorite female group.

Used to think sunye was really hot. but i'm sorry, they're too overrated for me.

Hi, today was fun, i went to NP to visit fats. met jessie & nut (!!!!) for a while too. missed them so much. Initial plan was to study, but i really didn't have the mood to. So we went to KAP macs cause i was craving for it again. horrible fast-food cravings. then we went to the playground near faith's cause i wanted to swing!!! felt nauseous after that. hahahahaha we're such banglas. cabbed home after being banglas, and just died when i reached home. but i had to wake up to shower ):

now my hair is wet. i guess im gonna watch some office while waiting for my hair to dry. school at 2 tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

i-i love you like a lovesong baby


Photos taken on saturday, when i made my way to town in slippers (i still don't know whats wrong with wearing slippers to town it is not 'AH LIAN') the day started off horribly, but it got better i guess. Planned to go to neverland but i realised mother wasn't gonna work the next day, so i decided to go home early. Ben the alcoholic left, so i went to meet faith for some last minute shopping. But most of the shops were already closed )': I'm so tempted to shop now )':










